Five things I wish people would know before meeting my Asperger\'s husband
The Big Bang Theory may show the humorous side to the intense paranoia, struggles with empathy, sensory sensitivities and other key points of the mindset of the Asperger\'s person. Yet, beyond a comedic device, the struggle is real for the neurodiverse person and their family members.
Christmas crowding
It is unfortunately true that Christmas is one of the busiest times of year. The cumulative effect here in Sydney has been noticeable for over a month now.
Don\'t be afraid of something new
\"What?\" she exclaimed. \"Only two more sleeps until Christmas?\" said every mother who hadn\'t started her Christmas shopping until the last minute.
Huancayo, Peru: Where you can party all year \'round
People from the city and region of Huancayo are among the happiest in Peru, according to a report by Jorge Yamamoto. One of the reasons given for this is that people in Huancayo work hard, but they also party hard.
Christmas across the world
As an American, when I think of Christmas, I think of Santa, snow, lights, Christmas music, good food, Jesus\' birth, presents and family.
The veils she wore
\"Greetings, you who are highly favoured!\" the angel said. \"The Lord is with you.\" he said (Luke chapter 1). And Mary was greatly troubled.
A love that looks different
For the last month or so, I have been wrestling a lot with how blindingly different Christians are in society today. Pick pretty much any subject; the Christian viewpoint is now one that is not fondly looked upon by the general public.
Boxing Day points to the future
The adage is that the term \'Boxing Day\' came out of Britain where after the Christmas Day celebrations, the following day was set aside to pack up the boxes – hence Boxing Day.
Abortion, costly debate
Each year as I focus on Jesus, the Babe in a manger I have the same thoughts about abortion and the wicked loss of life and potential, that just can\'t be measured.
When our leaders fail
Recently the personal sins of my church leaders have been brought to my attention. Some of them I have seen for a while; others I have only just come to see.