Kristen Dang

Press Service International

Kristen is a family doctor who loves music, writing and anything artsy. She enjoys seeing God’s handiwork in the intricacies and beauty of nature, and lives with her husband and two young children in South Australia. See Kristen’s other articles at:

  • Love at first and last sight

    There’s something about a good love story; the kind that overcomes all sorts of trouble and ends happily ever after.

  • Village of fellowship

    I cannot count every moment of encouragement or learning shared with others, but know they have all had an important impact on our family life.

  • To be a witness

    How do we represent Christ in the secular world? In one respect, this is a non-question; the way we live should remain constant as it reveals what we hold true in our hearts.

  • Unrepayable

    A gift is given joyfully, with no expectation of repayment.

  • Covered in Christ

    In the midst of their shame, fear and sin, He covered them. In the midst of their suffering and judgement, He covered them.

  • Beyond willpower

    The gift of free will is powerful, and the strength of human willpower has been demonstrated many times throughout history. Yet willpower alone cannot accomplish everything. Where willpower wanes, we see a need for something beyond human strength. Hope; and it is hope in God and His ability to heal, restore and make new that is most powerful.

  • Chosen to cheer

    Alicia Britt Chole’s book, “Anonymous: Jesus’ hidden years and yours…”, references a story about a boy who eagerly desires a part in the school play. He auditions but does not get a role. Yet, to his parents’ surprise, the boy is not disheartened by the news but instead looks bright and cheery.

  • Growing through parenthood

    Our first year of parenthood has been exciting, challenging and full of wonderful memories. We have learnt to be adaptable, flexible and to embrace change and new skills. The journey continues, and I am encouraged that God knows what lies ahead and will lead us every step of the way.

  • A new day

    Situations beyond our control, words spoken that cannot be taken back, regrets, worries, unfulfilled dreams. People joke about going through "quarter-life" and "mid-life" crises, but for many people these really are sobering times when regret and fear can wreak havoc.

  • Conquering selfishness

    Pride and selfishness wear many disguises. Sometimes they take the spotlight, but often they express a more subtle influence.