Liz Hay
Press Service International
Liz Hay rejoices in living in a beautiful part of God’s creation in a high country mountain basin; and she also rejoices in hearing stories of God at work in people’s lives. One of her favourite activities is reading fascinating biographies that illustrate the wonderful ways God works uniquely with each person.
Why fathers matter
I was waiting at the airport with my five-year old son. We were meeting his Dad, returning from a visit to his elderly father in another city.
Who do we trust?
A story my father told me has always stayed with me. When he was at primary school he was in a running race.
When two become one – checking out ‘marriage’
Jesus said of marriage, “A man will leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and the two will be one flesh.”
Abandoning the binary paradigm
More than a decade ago I read a paper that came from a women’s conference in Beijing.
Is God answering prayer for Ukraine?
A recent TV newsclip on the Ukrainian invasion showed worshippers in a Ukrainian church lighting candles and offering prayers.
Putin – and Jesus
I was having coffee with a good friend when she asked the question. “Would Putin ever be like the thief on the cross and be able to go to heaven?”
Being in control…
We all like being in control of our lives, in knowing what’s happening. Most people don’t like living with uncertainty, and we tend to be creatures of habit. That’s normal.
We must remember…
“God will look after me.”
Becoming wise…