Rebecca Hoverd

Press Service International

Rebecca Hoverd studies law and geography at The University of Auckland and loves writing as a way to communicate with God and to unpack her thoughts. She loves coffee, conversations, and would love to hear your feedback at

  • I surrender…do I?

    Some people say that money makes the world go around. Perhaps it might be more accurate to say that communication makes the world go around.

  • Limitless

    We exist in systems of rules and boundaries, limits and constraints. Speed limits and road markings protect us from the inherent risks in cars and other vehicles.

  • On hope—it’s everywhere

    You might say that now is a better time than any to pursue hope, to find hope, to desperately reach your hand out and grab hold of hope. But once we overcome this current season, you might be disappointed to find that life in all its ordinariness also needs hope.

  •  Offense and goodness

    I don’t know about you but does anyone else get annoyed when someone sends you a message at an inconvenient time asking you to do something or asking you for something? What about when someone from work messages you on your day off?

  • Compassion 101

    Unexpectedly, I learnt a bit more about the character of Jesus on two recent occasions at university. To clarify, I’m not at a bible college or studying theology.

  • Don’t Give Up on Perseverance

    The bible, particularly the old testament, contains many stories of people who went through suffering and needed God to get them through.

  • It Takes a Village

    There is a saying: ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ While I’ve heard this saying briefly before, it only recently became apparent to me what it really means. So, when Jacinda Adern made a post on Instagram introducing her new baby earlier in June this year with the caption ‘welcome to our village wee one’ the comment simply passed over me.

  • 2022: the good and the bad

  • There’s no growth without commitment

    A while ago I came across the quote “there’s no growth without commitment.” I’m not sure who the original author is, but the quote really stuck with me, so much so, I wrote it on a post-it note and stuck in my Bible.

  • Finding Jesus in the positive