Rebecca Moore

Press Service International

Rebecca and her husband have four children and live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Rebecca writes for various publications including print, online and commercial. She is the author of two books: ‘First to Forty’ and ‘Pizza and Choir’. For more information you can find Rebecca at:, Facebook: Rebecca Moore - Author, Instagram: rebeccamoore_author

Rebecca Moore's previous articles may be viewed at


  • Break in through the roof—the great jewel heist

    Have you ever known something so valuable it would be worth breaking through a roof for?

  • Though it has ended, yet, it has just begun…

    Walking through the final days of last year, I felt somewhat grateful. I did not revel in the gladness of seeing a bad year come to an end (though there have been years like that). For me, it had been a satisfying year in accomplishing what I’d set out to complete from the previous year’s resolutions, and I felt quite happy with it. Perhaps I should now take a year off…think again!

  • Jane Eyre and the question: is there such a thing as ‘the one’?

    There seems to be a belief today that the idea of there being a person created to be your other half doesn’t exist: “There are many people out there suited to you and you just have to choose one that you like”. While this may be true and work for many people, I certainly don’t want to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’ as the saying goes.

  • Up the creek without a paddle

    Many years ago, we visited my parents while holidaying at a small seaside town in Queensland. While there, we spent the afternoon by the bay. We all enjoyed a leisurely spring afternoon swim, and towards sunset, my mum decided to go for a relaxing row in the dinghy by herself.

  • Rogue radio

    Switching the channels on the car radio recently, at a time when most families would be driving their children home from school, my daughter and I were horrified to hear a radio presenter use his platform to laugh at and mock ‘church people’ and jest, suggesting that Jesus was a homosexual with 12 good looking men following him everywhere he went.

  • Stop the clock!

    Following on from my last article entitled Becoming Deliberate, I found myself having many conversations with friends exclaiming how quickly this year is flying by without even a wind sail to hold us back.

  • Becoming deliberate

    Who knows how quickly a week can pass and you haven’t stopped for a breath?

  • Worth waiting for

    A good coffee is worth waiting for. Back in the day (and I won’t tell you when because it will give away my age), instant coffee was a big seller. It was quick and versatile; you could keep it in the cupboard for a few months and even pack it in your picnic bag.

  • Those who hold us up – thoughts on an election campaign

    At the time of writing this, my husband’s Senate campaign has just wrapped up after months of preparation and hard work.

  • Dirty windows—dealing with sin

    At this time of year, the sun sits directly facing our front windows highlighting the dirt that had previously gone un-noticed and reminding me of what my next job is—to clean my windows!