I spent a little time recording a song I wrote at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I thought some people might get some encouragement and hope from it. These are the details and the link to the video that I have put up on YouTube.
This is a song I wrote at the start of the COVID-19 crisis. It is based on Mark chapter 4, verses 35-40. This story reminds me that it doesn't really matter what is going on around you, Jesus is in control. There is no need to fear the storms of life...or COVID-19, He has everything under control.
My favourite line from the song is this: "Do you not know who is in the boat with you?"
We mustn't forget who we are in the boat with. In the midst of the storms of this life, Jesus is always there. And even when we think He is sleeping, He is not. He is always with us, protecting, guiding, calming, and delivering us from the troubles of this life.
Since retiring from work, John Lemmon now spends his time teaching, preaching and writing about the word of God, online and offline, answering God's call on him to “Speak to my people.” You can connect with John on Twitter (@JohnBLemmon) or on his website: freegiftfromgod.com/ or listen to his podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-free-gift-from-god-podcast/id1440682375