While deciding about what to write about this month, I was collecting my thoughts about the state of America.But as I went to intercede all I could feel was to meditate on the sovereignty of God. The following is my prayer to America.
Sovereign One
Sovereign Lord, you who keeps your awesome covenant, you who does as you please. You are the Sovereign One. You are not served by human hands as if you needed anything. Praise you Father in heaven, may your will be done on this earth. This time of travail will pass when you decree. Your timing is not slow as we understand it, but perfect in the grand scheme.
Lord, you wound, and you bind up. You have torn us to pieces, but you will heal us. You correct and you lead gently. Your ways are higher than ours. Your intelligence is unsearchable. You are the one who laid the foundations of the earth and have every right to cast down one thing and to exalt another. You remove kings and set up kings.
What can the clay say to the potter? What can the creation say to the creator? Higher are you, in nature, in class, in intelligence, in ways, in justice. So, we worship you. And we submit to you.
Justice belongs to the Lord
In the spirit of Jesus’ example, we entrust justice to you, the only one who judges justly. We entrust justice to you. What a comfort it is, to know that vengeance rests in such capable hands.
Holy are you! Set apart from every man. Morally perfect in every way.
Justice belongs to you. Only you have a perfect grasp of what is good, what is right, what is just and what is unjust. Only you deserve to hand out mercy upon mercy, and justice upon justice.
El Roi
Every cry that humans miss, has fallen upon your ears. Every dying breath, every injustice has been recorded in your book. Every tear has been bottled by you. God of all comfort, may you bring comfort to the families of George Floyd, AhmaudArbery and countless others who have lost loved ones. Each individual a son and daughter, deeply loved and cherished by you.
El Roi, you see what no man sees. Nobody can escape your view. There is no city we can run to that is not under your governance. You see what lays in the dark and what lays in the light.
Lord, the atheist and agnostic don’t have any answers to explain such evil. But the Christian understands that our flawed nature has been preyed on by unseen forces.
Lord above all, only you have dominion over the spiritual forces that have taken control over the cities of Washington, New York, Minneapolis and more. These demonic influences have preyed on the hatred in people’s hearts and turned it to rage. They have taken a foothold and matured prejudice to riots.
But in you Lord, there is an incomparably great power. The same power that was exerted to raise Jesus from the dead. The same power that can harden and soften hearts, that can reverse death. Sovereign Lord, we pray this same power would cast down and destroy every evil principality, every evil spiritual ruler and authority that has a foothold.
For you tell us that our wrestle is not against flesh and blood. So, Lord we pray that these unseen forces and the god of this world would release their grip on people’s hearts.
Greater are you Lord, than the one who is in the world. Greater are you than the devil’s schemes and destruction.
Open eyes
We pray with Elisha, open our eyes Lord, to see the army that is behind us in chariots of fire. Open our eyes Lord. Open our spiritual eyes to know that there is spiritual warfare ongoing. Help us Lord not to focus on civilian pursuits but to aim to please the one who enlisted us. To fight the good fight.
We thank you for every police officer that is pure in heart. We know that you will honour them as they deserve. Give them a voice, give them exposure we pray. We pray for our leaders, that you would give them wisdom like you did Solomon. We pray that you would calm their stress and give them the strength that they need. Lord I pray that you uplift every peaceful voice and cast down every voice of discord.
Enemy love
Father gives us a different love. The same love that you showed. That while we were dead in our trespasses, you loved us. While we were enemies of the cross, slaves to sin, you sent your sin to atone for our wrongdoings. Give us a different love, an enemy love, I pray.
Our hope is in you. Every death of the believer swallowed up in victory. You are coming once again and creation groans for your return. Lord we need you. Save us from ourselves. Save us from ourselves and our depraved minds. We lament that you are storing up wrath. But you are perfectly just. You hate all evil doers. But at the same time you say that mercy triumphs over justice.
We will meditate on your sovereignty all day long. While non-believers are hopeless for answers, we worship you. There is one God. One Judge. One Healer above every other healer. One King above every other king. One ruler above every ruler. One Sovereign Lord. Lord over everything. Over every sickness, over every pandemic, over every race war. We live in your victory and looming return.
Along with George Floyd’s brother, we ask for peace in the left hand and justice in the right.
Roden Meares enjoys playing basketball, reading comics and going to the gym. He has a passion for evangelising and helping others in their faith through writing.
Roden’s previous articles can be viewed at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/roden-meares.html