Can you imagine how different your childhood would be if you were growing up now?
I confess I’ve been a coward. If you’ve read any of my previous articles you’ll know historically I’ve not shied away from discussing some potentially taboo topics. I don’t take the opportunity to share with you lightly, and deciding each month what to write on is always a difficult decision.
We are failing our children.
Interesting alliances are being formed around the world between individuals and groups who are putting some glaring differences aside to join forces for a common good. The common good is saving the children who are being sexualised and medically experimented on in alarmingly increasing numbers. Jews, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Atheists, Agnostics are fighting together to save minors who are being medically mutilated.
From a Christian world view some of this article would apply to adults as well, but for the sake of protecting the children let’s set aside that debate for another time. You can disagree with how an adult chooses to live their life, but they have the reasoning of an adult to make those decisions. If they are autistic as a disturbing number of these children are, yet of legal age, who is really looking out for their best interests?
Are we failing our children, when a child who isn’t old enough to vote, drive a car, own a gun, or get a tattoo is deemed old enough to permanently stunt their growth and development, medically castrate or sterilise themselves and remove body parts?
Those close to me know I’m willing to talk about such matters and I’ve shared lots of other people’s posts about it on twitter. Billboard Chris is one I’ve been sharing for a while now. The mounting level of evidence available continues to grow exponentially. I can’t let another month go by without writing an article about what is happening to our children, regardless of the consequences.
In the past 15 years, according to an October 2022 report by Reuters, the U.S. has gone from having no paediatric gender clinics to more than 100. Why such a rapid increase in such a short time period? In Victoria, Australia it’s illegal for a parent to tell their child that they are a biological male or female if the child claims differently. Teachers and doctors in many countries can now supersede a parents authority in the welfare of their child. How did we arrive at this point?
The tide is changing
There are a growing number of people in multiple western countries coming forth to share their story of believing what the medical professionals told them, only to discover they were being sold a lie. Layla Jane and Chloe Cole are just a couple of people now suing the health practitioners who treated them as children. They didn’t feel better after taking the drugs or having the surgeries. The drugs were not a pause or reversible as many are told, and now that they wanted to re-assume their biological identity it wasn’t as easy as they were led to believe. Many don’t align themselves with a Christian world view, but many Christians are sharing their stories because they had their childhood stolen from them.
If a fully developed strong healthy biological male who is mediocre compared to his fellow male athletes in their chosen sport can say he is a female, and thus compete and win against biological females, what incentive is there for our girls to try their best?
Zuby highlighted this in 2019 when he set womens athletic records in the UK by simply saying he was a woman. Since then the situation has only grown worse. He revisited this moment during a recent interview with former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson.
Matt Walsh in his 2022 documentary “What is a woman?” interviewed people from inside the industry with some answers that might leave you scratching your head.
The UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and some states in America are taking serious measures to curtail the child abuse that has been spreading like a wildfire, fuelled by the billions of dollars being made by this industry. Yet in Australia, the majority of states in America and many other nations, children continue to be scarred for life for profit.
In February 2023 an article was published online and thankfully it hasn’t been taken down at the time of writing this article entitled “I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.” with the subtitle “There are more than 100 paediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling.” It’s author Jamie Reed identifies as “a queer woman, and politically to the left of Bernie Sanders”. Not someone I’d usually be quoting in support of a point I was trying to make. The information she shares in her article needs to be shared. Please read it.
Scott Newgent’s recent press conference has been viewed 2 million times on twitter in the past week. The facts he shares in those 10 minutes would seem unbelievable but can easily be verified. The current CEO of twitter Elon Musk is also an advocate of protecting the children recently tweeting about it.
#detransawarenessday recently trended as more and more people find the courage to speak up for those we should be protecting.
Laurel Duggan has written numerous articles recently on how uncaring gender affirming care is for the large majority of children. One of the most enlightening was the revelations shared from an interview with Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist and pioneer in child gender dysphoria treatment. With decades of experience and starting out with the right intentions, she now regrets many of her actions and believes more children are being harmed than helped. “It made me realize that what we’re really talking about is acceptance that they need; we all need somebody who loves us.”
What can you do?
If you knew this information already what have you done with it?
If you didn’t know, now you do. How will you help?
Here is a list of some links I used in compiling this article. We should be protecting children regardless of where in the world they are and enabling them to have a childhood better than our own.
Would your community embrace you sharing this information with them?
3 of Neville’s most read articles from 2022:
· Children are not Commodities
· The Power of a Teapot Life
· Eric V Evil
Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit
He also blogs for the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.