The story is told of an emperor, in a great palace. During the season of royal visits, kings and princes called on one another and admired each others' choicest possessions, and enjoyed bountiful banquets.
The emperor had an exquisite bowl made just for him, to show off to his friends during the season of royal visits. To his horror he discovered that it was broken apart, and time was too short to start again and make another one. The emperor was dismayed, sad that he could not show off his beautiful bowl, but even sadder that something so beautiful should have broken. What was worse was that the new golden diadem that had been made for his beloved son, along with the broken pieces of the broken bowl were eventually taken.
By some miracle, by the time the emperor's guests had arrived, the bowl was back in the treasure cabinet, whole again, and gleaming with veins of gold in the cracked places. "Its beauty seemed all the greater." Beside it was his son's crown, which was now a slender band. The name of the emperor's son was Kintsukuroi.
This son's name was Kinstukuroi
Kintsukuroi means to repair with gold. It's a Japanese term that describes the art of repairing with gold or silver with the understanding that this broken thing is more beautiful for having been broken. Reminds me of what God does with the cross.
Brokenness is not something that any of us look forward to. Jesus himself cringed at the thought of the brokenness He would endure on the cross, as our sin separated Him from His Father. "Father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me." His "nevertheless" however meant thatwe who were once broken and no longer operating in the beauty of the Image of the Creator, could be reconciled to the Father. The beloved Son came down, humbling himself, giving up His glory in order that by His death a broken world can be restored
The prince's crown became less so that gold could be taken from it to repair his father's treasure. In the same way Jesus became less ("a little lower than the angels" Psalm 8:5) to restore us to His Father. According to the story though, the prince's crown did not look worse than before. There was strength in its simplicity and even greater authority, "because it had given itself away and given glory to another".
His restorative work continues beyond salvation to sanctification. Now I can consider a verse that says count it all joy when I go through trials as the pièce de résistance . The trials break me but He builds and restores me with beauty that through perseverance I am perfect and lacking nothing. The crevices He fills with character that brings a beauty that is breathtaking to behold.
As I ponder the depravity of the world around me and see bitterness from racial oppression, confusion with gender, hunger and starvation, church hurt and misrepresentation I can't help but imagine my Heavenly Father looking into this cabinet of broken treasure and moan with sorrow. But His hope is certain in the fact that He has provided a way to restore. Because His Son, my Saviour reaches out with His nail pierced hand to each broken piece beckoning to be allowed to make beautiful things out of us.
Stacy-Ann Smith - is a child therapist. She is involved with youth and children's ministry and has a heart to work with young women teaching them the ways of the Lord. She serves as a board member of the Kingston and St. Andrew Foster Parent's Association
Stacy-Ann Smith's previous articles may be viewed at