A few years back, when the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, portrayed Muhammad naked, rioting around the globe was ignited. The ensuing Muslim mass protests demonstrated to the world that they found this depiction of their prophet seriously insulting, and evinced their determination to see the honour of their prophet restored.
But what will Christians do about this repugnant, (yet to be aired) TV advert?
The writer Will O’Rouke and director of the ‘What would Jesus do” advert, Richard Bullock, present a smiling Jesus, hanging on a cross engaged in playful banter with the Roman soldiers who are in charge of his crucifixion. The soldiers ask Jesus to donate his organs after his death, in order to save the earthly lives of others. Jesus agrees and signs off on a smart phone. Then the soldiers take a selfie with Him hanging on a cross, ending with the distasteful hashtag #nailedit.
Awake O’ Sleeper, Rise From the Dead
I’m not sure how repugnant, an insult to the most important person and event in the history of the world needs to be, before it would awaken us and our church leaders? Personally, I think this would come close.
So far the only voice from a church leader (that I’m aware of) has been that of from Anglican Bishop of South Sydney Michael Stead, who told 10 Daily that some people "might be offended by the Monty Python-esque humour" but "it uses the self-sacrificial example of Jesus to communicate an important message."
Let’s hope we can do better than this. Turning a travesty, into an endorsement, won’t cut it.
It Appears Some Christians Have Risen to Support our Cause.
In church we’re told week after week, year after year that the Cross is the very centre and foundation of our faith, that in those august hours where Jesus bled and died for our sin, he restored our relationship with the ineffably glorious God of the universe. So unless I’m missing something, this tasteless and contemptible depiction of the pinnacle of our faith, should not be met with indifference by those follow Jesus.
If Muslims can rise to the occasion when Muhammad is insulted. Then Christians can do the same when their Saviour, the Son of God is blasphemed.
Fortunately the malaise of indifference hasn’t sent all of us into some type of enchanted sleep from which we’ll never recover. Initiatives have been taken by ACL (you know that extreme right wing Christian organization fighting for Christian values to be upheld in our nation), and they’ve established a petition, to be presented to the director of the advertisement. They have just over 6,000 signatures from concerned Christians. They need 10,000 to present it
And also a concerned sister, Dane’ Craill from W.A, has done a sterling job promoting a petition with Change.org, which calls on the Australian Communications and Media Authority to block the broadcast of the profane advertisement. With over 23,000 signatures achieved, my heart is gladdened that many my brothers and sisters share the same to zeal to see Jesus, honoured and not derided.
I urge you not stay in a state of somnolence. Take action by clicking the links, let Australia know, that you believe Jesus is worth defending. Stop this advertisement in its tracks.
Before his death Jesus was beaten, spat upon and mocked by his enemies, while his followers were in hiding for fear of the Jews. However, after Pentecost that all changed. His followers went to their deaths, gladly testifying to their Savior’s majesty.
Today, we need to decide whether we’ll speak for Him, or die from a shameful death of indifference.
Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. He is a kiteboard tragic, who now works as a Christian Copywriter. He can be found at http://trustworthycopywriter.com/writing-services/christian-copywriter/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html
Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. Is available as a Guest Speaker for your next Church conference or camp. He is a fledgling author, and copywriter.
For more information visit http://www.graphw.co/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html