If you’ve ever been to a Physiotherapist your visit might be similar to mine. I walked in to see the physio, a pain in my calf during running was inhibiting one of my favourite pastimes and I went in to speak to the expert.
I stood there explaining to symptoms, and the reason for my visit.
A few questions from the physio, “Can you do this….” “Describe the pain when you do that…..” “How about if you do this….” and then bang!
“Are you sore.... here?”
It’s always the way the physio stick their finger right into the sore spot. How do they always do that? Without even touching me they always seem to know to pinpoint spot in the muscle that is tender?
Further to add to this, the pinpoint spot was on my back, nowhere near my calf where I said the pain was! How do they do that? What in fact had happened was my calf muscles were the signposts that a few things weren’t aligned in my body.
My ‘glute’ muscles weren’t operating as they should, meaning my feet had to work harder than usual, pulling on and putting extra pressure on my calf muscles, which were presenting as sore and the reason for my visit.
There was a bit of work to be done on my behalf to get myself re-aligned and everything working properly again, and the physio was giving me the expert advice I needed.
Is God a Physio?
I was reminded, visiting the Physio, of times I have had in prayer with God. When asking for something (complaining!) God has a way of showing through; scripture, a church message, the timely word of a friend or specific worship song, the ‘sore spots’ in my life that can feel tender.
Just like the Physio visit quite often these points are not always what I am asking God about or seeking him for an answer for (like my sore calf), but God reveals where the real tender points of our lives are and what needs work on.
The ‘Body of Christ’
The church is referred to as the ‘body of Christ’ in scripture and an analogy given by Paul in reference to all believers being apart of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). All believers being connected to one another, just as parts of the body are connected and all have a part to play.
Jesus, God’s Son, when speaking The Sermon on the Mount, told us that, in approaching God if we had an issue with another believer, to leave our offering, our gift to God right where we were, go make amends with our brother/sister in Christ and then come back to God (Matthew 5:23-24). God tells us over and over again the benefit of forgiveness in our lives, and also the detriment of un-forgiveness (Matthew 18:22).
Just like my back muscles were affecting my calves during running, I believe we are connected to one another in life. I have also seen in my life, that at times when asking God for a specific answer or request he might bring another believer to mind who I need to forgive.
When I am asking God “God, can I have …..” He sometimes is asking me “Yes, but have you dealt with…..?”
He knows us best
God, just like the expert Physios, knows us best. When I come to Him asking questions and complaining about my ‘pain’ and He reminds me of another circumstance in my life, I have learnt to trust him. Just as I would the Physio, I work on that which He has identified, trusting that otherwise the pain I present with isn’t truly going to be dealt with.
So if you ever find yourself at the Physio, dealing with the pain involved in getting better, be reminded too that God is our ‘master Physician’ and I think the world’s greatest Physio in showing us the true tender points of life.
Kelly Thompson is the newest member of the Sports journalist team. Kelly currently plays AFL for Casey Demons in the VFLW, and practices what she preaches as a HOPE (Health, Outdoor, and Physical Education) Teacher in Melbourne’s southeast.