Could it be that the greatest curse of our time is not war or famine, plague or pestilence, but, an utter madness of the mind?
Things have been worse in the earth before, in a realistic and historical sense, yet reality and history is no longer valued by large groups of people all over the world, who are riding a great wave of unbridled idealism. Like a theologically poor preacher, butchering the bible to give meaning to their own opinion, so the progressives amongst us butcher history and historical figures to suit their agenda.
Their idealistic minds have progressed beyond the average humans limited logic, ascending to a perfect yet fragile utopia of their own imagination. These individuals do not place importance or value on what actually is, for they have developed superhuman abilities to blind themselves to the obvious, and recreate events according to the ideals they hold.
This has now got to the point where the first thing that must be catered to in any planned social events is not the food or drinks, but some persons lofty and self-righteous ideals.
The left wingers would have the world believe that building a physical wall to keep people from illegally entering another country is the depths of evil and intolerance. Yet for years they have been building their own wall of intolerance against anyone who would dare believe in a differing value system or moral code than their ever changing own.
Have they not also made numerous laws to ensure no other ideology may enter the world they are intent on creating? It's almost become illegal to be conservative in many western nations. In fact, so quickly do people 'progress' ideologically now, there isn't even time to reflect on whether they have been reasonable or sensible in the direction taken.
A virtuous paradise sits enclosed in their minds and is well walled against the reality of actual events, impenetrable to anyone who would dare bring reason against it. Any attempt to smuggle a differing view into the leftist camp is seen as a declaration of war. One would be forgiven for thinking they assume all right wingers are extremists, intent on destroying their civilisation.
Many of the 'right' are moderate and harmless
The truth though, is that many politically right leaning people are quite moderate and harmless, yet we are continually branded as backward racist homophobes by mainstream media and left wing lunatics. In fact, maybe the modern right wings struggle is not very different to that of the modern day Muslim, as both camps are continually labelled, feared and misunderstood. Not to forget the large numbers of people wishing to expel them from western civilisation.
When you live in a world no bigger than your own mind, nothing really has to happen to end your world, other than something or someone who is unpredictable encroaching upon it. Perhaps someone like POTUS Donald Trump.
Gripped with fear of the unknown and unable to cope, you will howl and weep and mourn in your own little personal space as your own little personal world is destroyed. Never mind that your actual house was never bombed, your children were not kidnapped and family not killed.
Don't regard that your circumstances haven't really changed at all. Ignore that fact. For you have lost your primary place of residence. It was small, cramped and narrow, but you loved it, until someone made you lose it. Yes, you lost your mind.
Such is the fate of our sworn enemy, as they like to imagine, the Idealist - a man or woman who primarily believes in their own mind's interpretation, and esteems it as the first and foremost authority in all things. All reality and history must first be subject to their own imaginary constructs.
Authority is drama filled
Large portions of society now ascribe to this philosophy, including church members, resulting in masses of people rejecting actual Authority like never before. This is an anti-Christ spirit, for Christ means anointed one, which denotes God given authority. Any opinionated leadership that is seen as disagreeable to liberal leftism is quickly associated to history's most evil Despots.
Such accusations show that those accusing see no sin in themselves, rendering them immune to any influence from a would be Hitler or Stalin, they see their duty as saving the more gullible and uneducated amongst us from ourselves.
This is the world we find ourselves in. Fear and madness continually marches through the streets, fighting for rights we already have and exposing tyranny that is not yet there. It is in the midst of this madness that we must keep our mind, and remember our reference.
Democracy may have two sides, but Christians have one King, and we should never buy into lawlessness. Political debate can be entertaining, but don't lose your marbles if you're throwing them into the circle.
Joshua Robbie is currently serving the Lord under Pastors Ronnie and Shirley Naidoo of KZN Celebration Centre in Tongaat South Africa. He and His wife Rene' moved from Australia to South Africa in April 2016. Their desire is to help in whatever way they can so that the church can become all that God has purposed her to be. Josh also enjoys sports such as surfing, basketball and boxing.
Josh Robbie's previous articles may be viewed at