Jo Fuller

Press Service International

Jo Fuller lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her husband, son and daughter.  Jo is a teacher with an education in journalism and early childhood who loves to spend time with her family and enjoys reading and writing whenever she can.

  • God’s goodness

    I have been challenged lately about my beliefs around God’s goodness, despite what my current circumstances are or how I am feeling.

  • New creations

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17

  • Healing in His wings

    In the past couple of weeks, quite a lot has happened in my world.

  • Stepping into the Promised Land!

    I believe God can speak to us in many ways, like through the Bible, a sermon, a person, nature, songs and many other natural, creative, and powerful ways. Lately, two books happened to ‘fall in my lap’, and—surprise, surprise—they were on the same topic!

  • What on earth should I do with my life?!

    Why have I been born in this exact moment in life? How should I be spending my time? Who should I be making the effort to see?

  • Magnificent mothers

    I have always admired mums—how they care for their children, put others before themselves and give unconditional love—yet I never fully understood the magnitude of the role until I became one myself.

  • The art of contentment

    The dictionary defines ‘content’ as being in a state of happiness and satisfaction.