Kate Tooke
Press Services International
My name is Kate and I love gardening, exercising, and being involved with my church social groups. I have loved to write from a young age, and took up poetry as a teenager. I have recently got married and am enjoying getting used to married life.
Hotline to heaven
We’ve probably all had moments in our lives where we would love it if we could just call the hotline to heaven, and get God to tell us how to handle our situations and for everything to be crystal clear. But since we can’t do that, how else can we communicate with God? What are effective ways of hearing His voice?
To live is to die
The Bible teaches us that God is the author of life and not only gives us life, but has the power to take our lives away. “for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb.” (Psalm chapter 139, verse 13).
Till death do us part
Marriage. The unity between one man and one woman. A romantic relationship. The Bible talks a lot about what makes a ...
A crowd of many witnesses
As Christians, we love it when we are able to bring somebody to God for the first time and watch their transformation. After all, being saved is the starting point of any Christians walk with God.
Living on a prayer
Prayer. It’s our hotline to heaven, our time with our Creator, and a one of the most vital parts of our lives as Christians.
Spare the rod
Discipline. Most of us experienced some form of discipline growing up. We were given boundaries and told no and occasionally punished if we did wrong. But since God is our loving father, what does His discipline look like? How does it fit in with His plan for us?
Transformation Station
When you take that step to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, your life changes dramatically.
Down the rabbit hole
As Easter draws closer, many young children around the world are getting excited for the arrival of the Easter bunny. They are often being raised oblivious to the true meaning of Easter and of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Dedicate or saturate
After the birth of their child, many Christian parents face the decision of whether or not to dedicate or baptize their babies. Some Christian denominations or churches believe that infant baptism is acceptable, and some churches practice baby dedications.
Where's God when I'm scared
If God is real, then why do bad things happen?