We’ve probably all had moments in our lives where we would love it if we could just call the hotline to heaven, and get God to tell us how to handle our situations and for everything to be crystal clear. But since we can’t do that, how else can we communicate with God? What are effective ways of hearing His voice?
One of the greatest ways we can communicate with our creator and show Him that we love Him is through worshipping him. “For I cried out to Him for help, praising Him as I spoke" (Psalms chapter 66, verse 17).
God loves it when we talk to Him. Prayer can be formal like the Lord’s prayer (Matthew chapter 6, verse 13-19). Or your chat to God could be as simple as a casual conversation.
Many people go to God and pray in moments of great struggle when they need a healing or miracle because most believers are aware that God hears their prayers and will answer in the way that He feels is best for our situation.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: if we ask anything according to His will. He answers us." (1 John chapter 5, verse 14). But my personal approach to prayer is a little different.
Personal experience
Ever since I was a young child, I have talked to myself. But I always felt like I was talking to someone and having a conversation with a person or other being. When I came to God at the age of 23, I tried praying formally and making it a set routine that had to be done a certain way but I always felt like it was forced and not how I would talk to someone I loved.
However, when I would “talk to myself”, it felt so natural and like I was talking to a loved one. I them realized that this was my version of prayer. I was talking to someone I loved: God himself!
Prayer became easier after that because I felt like I was just having a normal conversation with someone who really wanted to hear what I had to say and what my concerns and worries were. This taught me that prayer wasn’t just limited to kneeling on the floor reciting formal prayers.
But how did they approach prayer in the biblical times?
In the old testament, many people relied upon prophets to communicate with God and pass on His words of wisdom to them. Samuel was an example of somebody who God communicated with regularly and he later became a great prophet.
"A third time the Lord called Samuel! And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, here I am you called me. Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel go and lie down and if He calls you say: speak Lord for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel chapter 3, verses 8-9).
Samuel later went on to be so respected as a prophet that he was the one to pass on the Lord’s message that David would one day be king.
There are lots of different ways to communicate with God. Whether it be through praise and worship, or just a simple prayer. Whatever way you feel is the best way to communicate with God on a personal level, just go ahead and do it because He loves to hear from us.
My name is Kate and I love gardening, exercising, and being involved with my church social groups. I have loved to write from a young age, and took up poetry as a teenager. I have recently got married and am enjoying getting used to married life.