Sunny Kang

Press Service International

Sunny is as a weak as a broken reed, a flickering candle. But Abba God shows His abundant mercy again and again by incredibly loving this hopeless being. Soli deo Gloria.

  • Love of the Servant-King

    Once there was a King

  • Meditations in the Big Bird

    I would treat the sky as if it is the biggest swimming pool and dive into the air. The wind would touch every hair on my body, letting them dance as they never did before.

  • Sister-mother’s Father

    Fun fact about me: I have a little brother who is really ‘little’ – he is 17 years younger than me, 20 years younger than my older sister. After gasping at such an age gap with interesting facial expressions, the first thing that most people say once I share this is, “Wow, you must have totally raised him like a mum!”

  • Reaching for the crown

  • Sunflowers and Godflowers

    I remember listening to the story of sunflowers as a child. Knowing that they are things that cannot physically move themselves like humans and animals do, I remember being filled with curiosity and wonder as I heard how young sunflowers moved with the sun.

  • You are not a goldfish: Letter from a fishbowl escapee

    You are not a goldfish. Yes, this may come as a shock, but truth is truth. In the human world, we often say this hurts, but to save you, this must be clear. So here it is again: you are NOT a goldfish.

  • My room smells like fruits and I smell like…

    I love getting diffusers and candles as gifts. Some people might think it is a rather bland idea, going ‘safe’ when you aren’t too sure what to get someone. But whether it is a “thank you” or a “happy birthday”, I think it is sweet to gift someone a scent.

  • The Konversations, Klashes and Kristianity

    So apparently, now it could be a rude thing to ask an Asian person, “Where are you from?”. Given that that person could have been born in the country the questioner is from, trying to figure out where exactly the Asian person’s family originally came from could be seen as an act of ‘proving’ that he or she is ‘not of us’.

  • Trusting in chariots, horses and pieces of papers

    Honestly speaking, my three-year university degree that is supposed to state how qualified, educated and ready I am, sometimes just feels like an expensive piece of paper.

  • Dear beloved

    I wish you would live as if you’ve fallen in love. I wish you would stand captivated by the beauty of creation by the Creator, counting all the blue shades that so prettily follow the sun and all those shades of the falling sun.