Sunny Kang
Press Service International
Sunny is as a weak as a broken reed, a flickering candle. But Abba God shows His abundant mercy again and again by incredibly loving this hopeless being. Soli deo Gloria.
A September Letter to…Myself.
Recently you have gotten even busier. Not only do you have university and work, now you are starting an internship! You are so excited but scared, anxious of how this will go on and how on earth you will juggle all your to-do’s.
How I Can(’t) Comfortably Hate
Perhaps sighs are the overflows of emptiness inside.
A prayer of a wretched soul
Desire burns within me, yet in ashes, For it isn’t for You, O Fountain of Life...
I went Godless for a year
Growing used to things is scary because it numbs – it numbs the fear of darkness, the pain, the desire for love.
I wished for a dream that would burn my skin
When I was a little girl, my world that I gazed through my little eyes was full of colours.